Wednesday, November 14, 2012

WOYWW.....First One!

                   My first "What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday" photo of my workdesk...well, my work counter. It's much easier to work at the kitchen counter when cutting pieces for a class. (You can see the cards I was working on if you turn sideways and squint a little.)  Another added benefit of working in the kitchen instead of my scraproom....I get an assistant.... Cory, my resident Lovebird. He thinks that anything within reach is his for the taking; so I have to watch carefully so that nothing I'm working on disappears or gets nibbled on. He's no crafter.


Anonymous said...

Happy FIRST WOYWW !! You will now be addicted and wait for Wednesday every week. Loving your little assistant. Ali x #72
ps Can you turn the word recognition off. I struggle to read the words, as I know so many others do.

Redanne said...

Happy first WOYWW from me too. The card with the turkey on is fabulous! Love Cory, he looks like he is very interested in what is going on, on your desk! Happy WOYWW, Anne x #65

Francesca said...

Welcome to snoops united. It will become addictive. Love your little helper. Francesca #77

MiniOwner said...

Oooh welcome to WOYWW - be warned it's addictive! LOL! Your card is lovely. Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@85)
PS Yes please do turn off the WR - it is a pain. :o)

Susan said...

he is just helping you with the distressing! ;)

jellinacreations said...

I want also have a assistant like that!
What a great picture, love it.

Words and Pictures said...

Welcome to WOYWW... love all the busy things going on, and how wonderful to have Cory there to "help"! Have a great week, and see you again (this is addictive, I'm afraid...).
Alison x

Anonymous said...

Welcome to WOYWW, a great community. Love the turkey card and your little helper.
Tricia #95

okienurse said...

Welcome to WOYWW! It is really a lot of fun and very addictive. LOVE your Lovebird! I at first thought that it was a toy like some of the women here have on their desk...Something doesn't seem right to have a cooked turkey on a card and Cory standing there...My grandbird is an African Grey Parrot and he loves eating chicken or turkey when we have it for dinner...thats not right either!!! Have a great week and thanks for sharing. Vickie #62

Darnell said...

Welcome to the WOYWW community of craziness, Dianne! I thought your little bird wasn't real. He is simply adorable! How fun is that for you?! I'm so jealous. (Love your card BTW!!)

Happy Thanksgiving and a great couple of weeks!! I won't be WOYWWing next week, as I suspect will be the case for most of us in the States.

Darnell #41

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